Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. Microbial landscape of the oral cavity is a highly sensitive systemic indicator reacting to changes in different body organs and systems by qualitative and quantitative shifts. The unique ability of microbiocenosis of the oral cavity to self-regulate and maintain the ecological balance creates a personal health profile of an individual and assumes that a timely correction of microbiocenosis shall be added to required treatment patterns for various dental and somatic diseases. This approach ensures the protective effect of growth of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria improving quality of therapy and patient recovery time. Objectives. To study dynamics of clinical and microbiological changes in the oral cavity in patients with periodontitis and hypothyroidism on the background of complex therapy with inclusion of synbiotic Maxilac. Materials and methods. Based in the Ural State Medical University Department of Therapeutic Dentistry and Propedeutics of Dental Decease, the study of oral microbiology was carried out on 50 generalized moderate periodontitis patients aged 44 to 59 years during the period from 2017 to 2021. The average age of the subjects was 50.50±3.5 years. Two groups were formed: the main group (30 patients with “primary hypothyroidism” receiving hormone therapy) and the comparison group (20 patients). The patients in the main group were prescribed general therapy by the endocrinologist based on the phase, stage and the severity of the disease. During examination all patients underwent the complex clinical and laboratory evaluation before treatment, in its course and after it, as well they were subjected to full mouth debridement and the course of the complex periodontal therapy in accordance with clinical recommendations. Microbiota was corrected by active ingredient probiotic (lyophilized probiotic bacteria) — 4.5*109 CFU (colony-forming unit): Lactobacillus elveticus, lactis, rhamnosus, plantarum, casei; Bifidobacterium longum, breve, bifidum; Sreptococcus thermophilus. Results. The study of microbiocenosis of the oral cavity of patients with primary hypothyroidism demonstrated changes in species and the number of microorganisms in the oral cavity. Conclusions. Timely diagnostics and correction of disbiotic changes included in the dental treatment protocol will allow to select the most appropriate dental treatment strategy.

oral microbiota, microbiological evaluation, hypothyroidism, synbiotic, normobiom, periodontitis

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