Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject – the technology for prosthetics of patients with microtia (anotia) using the developed design of a bionic auricular prosthesis, the use of which is aimed at replacing facial defects and restoring conductive and mixed hearing. Objectives. To develop a design of a bionic ear prosthesis and a method for its fixation based on the use of biocompatible materials and modern technologies. Methodology. The epithesis is manufactured using computer modeling, using the patient's CT scan as the initial data. The main structural elements (the frame of the external overhead device and the fixation elements) are obtained using 3D printing. The electronic components of the hearing aid, including the sound vibration emitter (transducer) and battery, are located inside the prosthesis structure. Results. The bionic ear prosthesis consists of several structures, including a silicone auricle with an inserted sound processor. The epithesis of the auricle in the structure of the bionic ear prosthesis can be combined – consisting of a polymer frame coated with silicone or completely made of silicone material. The structure can be fixed both with titanium osseointegrative implants and combined implantation systems, including a sleeve made of carbon-carbon composite material of compact structure and a titanium rod, used depending on the existing clinical conditions. The bionic ear prosthesis is integrated into the patient's digital environment based on modern engineering and medical 3D technologies. Conclusion. The proposed approach to auricular prosthetics will allow achieving the naturalness of the replacement structure by introducing bone conduction into its structure of the hearing apparatus.

Bionic prosthesis, outer ear epithesis, hearing aid, atresia, anotia, microtia

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