Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 616.31 Стоматология. Заболевания ротовой полости и зубов
Subject. Dental implantation and prosthetics are the main methods of replacing dental defects. One-stage implantation with immediate prosthetics reduces the number of operations and treatment time, preserving the surrounding tissues. It is important to achieve aesthetic results with the help of atraumatic tooth extraction, stable installation of the implant and rapid fixation of the crown. The presented technique covers all stages from planning to fixation of the crown, minimizing errors. Objectives. To clinically test an improved technique for manufacturing an anatomically correct and functional crown of the central incisor of the upper jaw with direct prosthetics based on an implant. Materials and methods. The clinical study involved 20 patients who underwent dental prosthetic treatment using an improved technique. The main group consisted of patients who had a screw-fixed crown based on an innovative angular implant, the control group included patients with a crown made on a direct implant. The assessment of the quality of the treatment was carried out on 2 control examinations. 6 months after the fixation of the temporary crown and 6 months after the fixation of the zirconium dioxide crown or 1 year after the installation of the implant. The results. Studies have shown that after the treatment, all patients showed stable fixation of the crown and aesthetic parameters, namely the contour of the gum, around the artificial crown. The results of the survey showed 100% satisfaction of patients with the treatment. Conclusions. The technique makes it possible to plan and implement dental orthopedic treatment of patients with loss of the central incisor of the upper jaw and at the same time produce a functional and anatomically correct crown based on an implant. Clinical observations have shown 100% success in treating the patient according to the algorithm proposed in the developed methodology.
maxillary central incisor, immediate dental implant loading, dental implantation, aesthetics, screw-retained, single implant-supported crown
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