Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. The subject of this study is the salivary status in the patients. Objectives. The objective is to identify specifics of data analytics of the salivary status in student smokers effected by using a mucoptorotective dental spray. Methodology. The study is made by the Ural State Medical University Department of Preventive Dentistry and Propedeutics of Dental Disease, the Ural State Medical University Department of General Chemistry, the Ural Federal University Department of Control Systems Modeling. The objects of the study are unstimulated mixed saliva and a mucoptorotective spray that helps to protect the oral mucosa against inflammations, facilitates penetration across epithelial membranes, acts as a controlled multifunctional drug delivery system for parodontium tissues. The two study groups were formed from 20 volunteers in the age of 20 to 24 years old (4 women and 36 men, the average age was 22,35 years old): the first (main) group consisted of smoking patients, the second (reference) group consisted of non-smokers. The clinical assessment of the oral cavity of patients included: analysis of complaints, analysis of anamnesis, examination, evaluation of the hygiene index (OHI, Greene, Vermillion, 1964), dental caries severity index (using DMFT and DMFS indices), the state of gingival inflammation, PMA index (Parma). Unstimulated mixed saliva was studied, the quantitative analysis of the secretion was made by analyzing color, transparency, presence of inclusions, pH value, the functional activity of minor salivary glands. The statistical analysis of results was made using a PC with Microsoft Excel 2007 software program; the statistical significance was assessed using Student’s t-distribution by Statistica 6.0 software package. Conclusions. Given the reduction of objective values of index assessment of oral health status used as indicators of changes in oral health, the study of the data analytics of salivary status in student smokers in the course of using a mucoptorotective spray revealed the harmful effects of tobacco on salivary composition and parameters. The findings prove smoking-related oral homeostatic disruption promoting development and progression of dental diseases of the hard tissues, parodontium, oral mucosa. Application of the dental spray with titanium glycerosolvate aquacomplex is proved to be an effective way to prevent development and progression of such diseases.

oral fluid, unstimulated mixed saliva, salivary status, functional activity of minor salivary glands

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