Perm, Perm, Russian Federation
Perm', Perm, Russian Federation
Perm, Perm, Russian Federation
UDK 616 Патология. Клиническая медицина
The article is devoted to improving the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment of a dysfunctional state of the TMJ from the standpoint of an interdisciplinary approach. The nature and prevalence of dental disorders, postural imbalance, and neuropsychiatric changes were determined. The algorithm of diagnosis and treatment of this group of patients is described. Purpose: to improve algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with a dysfunctional TMJ condition. Materials and methods. 136 patients with a dysfunctional state of the TMJ were examined, including 25 men (18.38%), 111 women (81.62%), aged 18 to 81 years. The median age was 43.17 years. Dental examination, registration of neuropsychiatric status and postural status of patients were carried out on the basis of diagnostic algorithms developed by us. Results. The examination revealed a high need for dental treatment of dentists of different profiles in patients with a dysfunctional state of the TMJ. The analysis of the postural status revealed deformities of the trunk in the neck, shoulder blades and pelvis, which led to moderate (59.18%) and severe violations (24.19%) of the postura. In this group of patients, the quality of life decreases, the mental (60%) and physical components of health are at an average level (80%), there is high personal anxiety (80%), with an average (60%) and high (40%) level of situational anxiety. Conclusions. The multifactorial and multi-morbidity of dysfunctional TMJ conditions requires an interdisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from this pathology. Dental treatment of patients should be carried out with the correction of neuropsychiatric status and postural status, which significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy and allows achieving more stable results.
TMJ, neuropsychiatric status, postural status, vegetative imbalance, dysfunctional state of the TMJ
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