Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. Mentoring is a resource for the development of a medical institution and an integral element of personnel policy, a means of psychological adaptation and training of medical workers who were first hired by a health institution after graduation. Its importance is due to the need to develop professional and personal qualities of a member of this team to a certain level for full adaptation to new working conditions. There may be other goals, depending on the specific needs and situation using the internal psychological resources of the doctor and patient, which are the basis of psychological support for the treatment process. The goal is to study the parameters of the psychological resources of the subjects of the treatment process, ways of professional development of employees, ensuring communication between generations, transferring cultural traditions, increasing team cohesion, and enhancing employee motivation. Methodology. Individual, tutoring, as well as group forms of training (seminars, round tables, trainings). Results. Our studies have shown that the full adaptation (both social and professional) of a new employee in a team is possible only in the mentoring system. It also involves enhancing personal qualities and skills. In addition, mentoring should also promote the development of the teacher himself, because in essence it is a two-way process in which the mentor and the mentor exchange knowledge and improve it. Conclusions. The resource approach to mentoring allows us to consider the psychological resources of the subjects of a medical organization as internal grounds for full adaptation (both social and professional), which have a general and specific focus.

resource approach in conducting mentoring, socio-psychological adaptation, stages of mentoring, mentoring program, psychological preparation for medical activity, professional self-determination, professional orientation

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