Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The subject of the study is that currently many people strive to have their teeth white. However, after the bleaching procedure, some patients may experience hyperesthesia, which is an increased sensitivity of the teeth. Despite the fact that there is information in the scientific literature about hyperesthesia after bleaching, there is not enough information about its features and manifestations depending on various factors. Purpose: to study the features of hypersensitivity of teeth after the bleaching procedure. Methodology. In the course of the study, the characteristics of hypersensitivity of teeth in 50 people after the bleaching procedure were examined. All participants in the procedure underwent chemical bleaching using the Opalescence Boost PF system. The IBM SPSS Statistics 23 program was used to compare and analyze the results of the study. The Wilcoxon T-test was used to determine the statistical significance of the differences between the samples. The differences were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05. Results. After the teeth whitening procedure, there was a tendency to decrease the intensity of sensitivity after two weeks, however, with the use of additional whitening products, sensitivity could increase. Conclusions. In this regard, it seems necessary to implement a set of measures aimed at preventing tooth hypersensitivity after the bleaching procedure in both the short and long term.

enamel color leveling, removal of cracks and micro-damages, reduction of tooth sensitivity

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