Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Relevance. Assessment of the risk of inflammatory and destructive diseases of the oral cavity in children with orphan diseases with impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism. The aim is to assess the dental status and immunological profile in children with orphan diseases with impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Materials and methods. 79 children aged 6–17 years were examined. Among them, 56 with orphan diseases: hypophosphatemic rickets (HPR), hypophosphatasia (HPP); osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) and 23 healthy children. The level of oral hygiene was assessed according to the index (OHI-S); the condition of periodontal tissues according to the indices of PMA and gingival sulcus bleeding SBI. In samples of mixed saliva, enzyme immunoassay was used to determine: the content of immunoglobulins of the IgA and IgG classes to gliadin in units / ml; fatty acid binding protein (FABP) in ng/ml. Results. In the examined children with HPR and HPP, the level of gingival sulcus bleeding significantly exceeded that in healthy children, which was accompanied by an increase in the content of gliadin IgG antibodies in mixed saliva by two times, and gliadin IgA antibodies by 1.3 times compared with the same parameter in healthy children. The average values of FABP in mixed saliva in children with HPR, HPP and OI were 5, 4.5 and 3 times respectively significantly higher than this indicator in healthy children. Conclusions: the revealed changes in biochemical markers may indicate specific mechanisms of pathogenesis and immune response in the development of inflammatory and destructive processes in dental and periodontal tissues in children with hypophosphatemic rickets, hypophosphatasia and osteogenesis imperfecta.

children with orphan diseases with impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism, dental status, mixed saliva, immunological profile, oral immune system

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