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UDK 616.31 Стоматология. Заболевания ротовой полости и зубов
Subject are the parameters of the intact periodontium, recorded using clinical, functional and radiological methods of research. Objectives are to analyze and systematize up-to-date information concerning clinical, functional and radiological research methods that record periodontal parameters and the range of their values for intact periodontium. Methodology. The study was conducted within the framework of the project “Development of a method for recreating periodontal structures using bioequivalents obtained by three-dimensional bioprinting”, search and analysis of data of scientific articles was performed via international electronic scientific databases eLibrary, PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, ScienceDirect from 2019 to 2024, using the keywords: “periodontium”, “clinical research methods”, “functional research methods”, “radiological research methods”, “periodontal indices”, “gingival sulcus probing”, “intraoral scanning”. Results. The analysis of data from 65 articles out of 312 found was performed. Among the clinical research methods, the following were distinguished: diagnostic methods (questioning, inspection, palpation, measurement of gingival thickness, width of keratinized gingiva, height of interdental papillae, depth of gingival recession, bleeding on probing, probing depth, clinical attachment level, periodontal epithelial surface area periodontal inflamed surface area, etc.), treatment, dynamic observation; among the functional methods – laser Doppler flowmetry, electromyography, rheography, periotestometry, perioscopy, etc.; among the radiation methods – orthopantomography, occlusal radiography, cone beam computed tomography, ultrasound examination, etc. The parameter values for the intact periodontium are given. Conclusions. The parameters of the periodontium measured in scientific studies reflect its anatomical and physiological characteristics and state at a given time; as a rule, there is a range of normal values for each parameter. The same parameter of the periodontium can be measured by several methods. Currently, various parameters are used in studies, the choice of which for a particular study depends on the primary and secondary outcomes, and the concept of the study.
periodontium, gingiva, research methods, radiological diagnostics, functional methods, periodontal indices, treatment, probing, intraoral scanner
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