Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject of study. In the treatment of reversible forms of pulpitis, the principles of preventive endodontics aimed at preserving the vitality of the pulp are of great importance. For the realization of these principles, it is necessary to evaluate its regenerative potential, the verifier of which is the dynamics of transforming growth factor (TGF-β1) in gingival fluid (GF). Objectives. The purpose of the study was to optimize the assessment of tooth pulp regenerative potential in the treatment of reversible forms of pulpitis by analyzing the dynamics of TGF-β1 in GF. Materials and methods. 191 patients aged 19–29 years with reversible forms of pulpitis (K04.00 – “Pulp hyperemia” and K04.03 – “Chronic pulpitis”) were examined and treated, and were divided into 2 clinical groups: 1st – with pulp hyperemia and 2nd – with reversible form of chronic fibrous pulpitis. Each group was divided into subgroups (a, b, c), depending on the method of treatment: in subgroups 1a and 2a, a material based on calcium hydroxide was applied; in 1b and 2b, a preparation based on calcium silicate was applied; in subgroups 1c and 2c there combined the latter with laser therapy. The control group included 34 patients with intact pulp. To assess the regenerative potential of the dental pulp, the level of TGF-β1 in the GF was determined (at the initial examination, 7, 14, 21, and 30 days after the start of treatment of reversible pulpitis). Results. According to the data of the study, the combination of calcium silicate-based preparation and laser therapy demonstrated the highest clinical efficacy in comparison with calcium hydroxide-based material, harmonization of TGF-β1 activation processes in subgroups 1c and 2c came earlier (by the 7th day) (p < 0,05). At the same time, 2 patients (6.5%) of subgroup 2a were diagnosed with exacerbation of chronic fibrous pulpitis. Conclusions. Assessment of TGF-β1 concentration and its dynamics in GF allows to analyze reparative capabilities and processes occurring in the tooth pulp in pathological conditions and during various methods of conservative treatment to choose the most effective therapy.

reversible forms of pulpitis, preventive endodontics, Transforming growth factor (TGF-β1), gingival fluid, pulp capping (indirect and direct), laser treatment

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