Stavropol, Stavropol, Russian Federation
Stavropol, Stavropol, Russian Federation
Krasnodar, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
Stavropol, Stavropol, Russian Federation
Vladikavkaz, Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
graduate student
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 616.31 Стоматология. Заболевания ротовой полости и зубов
Objective. To evaluate the correlations of personalized 3D odontometric and 3D biometric parameters of virtual dynamic jaw models and precision 3D dynamic occlusion parameters in patients with abnormal shapes of dental arches in the period of permanent teeth. Methodology. A total of 134 adult patients of both sexes, adolescents and early adulthood aged 17 to 35 years with abnormal dental arch shapes combined with distal occlusion, were examined clinically, radiologically, 3D odontometrically, 3D biometrically and 3D occlusiographically. Personalized linear dimensions of permanent tooth crowns (width, thickness and height) were sequentially measured on virtual dynamic 3D jaw models, virtual projections of abnormal dental arch shapes (saddle-shaped, V-shaped, triangular, trapezoid and asymmetric) were constructed, and dental arch types (microdont, normodont, macrodont and combined) were determined. The ultra-thin sensor was used to obtain precision 3D dynamic virtual occlusionograms, and the parameters of the occlusal contact time of the antagonist teeth, the number of occlusal interferences, the percentage of the maximum value of the compression force and the occlusion balance on both sides were sequentially recorded and analyzed. The correlation dependencies of the parameters obtained during the study were calculated. Results. Conclusion. The definition of personalized and precise 3D odontometric and 3D biometric parameters of virtual dynamic jaw 3D models and 3D dynamic occlusion parameters allowed us to conduct a comprehensive analysis of counter micromovements of antagonist teeth, significantly supplement the existing applied methods for studying the localization, area and number of occlusal interferences, distribution of occlusal load and its balance on both sides of integral dental arches with abnormal shapes and pathological occlusion for interdisciplinary consultation and drawing up individual plans for complex treatment of adult patients during the period of permanent teeth. Conclusion. The study showed that the use of modern diagnostic virtual technologies is appropriate and highly informative in determining the correlations of 3D odontometric and 3D-biometric parameters of virtual dynamic jaw models and 3D dynamic occlusion parameters in patients with abnormal shapes of dental arches during the period of permanent teeth.
cone-beam computed tomography, 3D odontometric studies, 3D biometric studies, dental type of dental arch, 3D occlusiographic studies, abnormal shapes of dental arches, distal occlusion, period of permanent teeth
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