Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Relevance. The prevalence of dental anomalies and are currently one of the urgent problems of modern medicine both in Russia and around the world. Narrowing of the upper jaw is a predisposing factor and the cause of the development of malocclusion and comorbid conditions of the whole body, which significantly affect the quality of life, which contributes to the deterioration of the dental and main health of the population, causing medical, social and economic damage. The use of various types of orthodontic hardware and surgical treatments can also lead to complications that can worsen the clinical situation. Goal. To review and analyze the literature data that would justify an integrated approach in the treatment of patients with a narrowed upper jaw. Materials and methods. The literature was searched in the database eLibrary and PubMed for keywords such as narrowed upper jaw, Marco Rosa, HAAS, HYRAX, Rapid expansion of the upper jaw, JFO, functional jaw orthopedics. Results. Despite the large amount of data on standard treatment methods (orthodontic apparatus and combined surgical orthodontic), there is very little data on complex osteopathic orthodontic treatment. As example, during orthodontic treatment of an asymmetric narrow upper jaw, serious clinical complications arise, such as scoliosis, TMJ dysfunctions, osteopathic lesions and suture dysfunctions of the skull bones, for example, lateral strain and other disorders of the basic patterns (breathing, swallowing, vision, hearing, chewing). However, more research is still needed to evaluate the stability results of each approach. We were able to identify a number of interesting data regarding the compatibility of orthodontic and osteopathic work in the correction of a narrow upper jaw, as well as complications in the treatment of a narrowed upper jaw with surgical and hardware methods.

narrowed upper jaw, Marco Rosa, HAAS, HYRAX, osteopathy, JFO, functional jaw orthopedics

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