Perm, Russian Federation
City Dental Clinic No. 5 (Orthopedic Dentist)
Perm, Perm, Russian Federation
Perm, Perm, Russian Federation
Perm, Perm, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.2021
City Dental Clinic No. 5 (Dental Surgeon)
Perm, Perm, Russian Federation
UDK 616.31 Стоматология. Заболевания ротовой полости и зубов
Subject. The possibility of improving the pin-stump lay made using modern digital technologies. Reconstruction of the aesthetic defect of the tooth crown is one of the most important aspects in the work of an orthopedic dentist. Pin-stump designs make it possible to preserve your own teeth. However, the designs used today have a large number of disadvantages. The article defines the main required characteristics and proposes a modified combined pin-stump lay. The technology of manufacturing this type of prosthesis using modern additive methods is presented. Objectives. is to develop and introduce into the practice of orthopedic dentistry an improved design of a combined pin-stump lay made using modern digital technologies. Methodology. During the development, the design of the pin-stump lay was modified by improving the fixing elements in their location and geometric shape. Automated digital programs are used to simulate the pin-stump lay. A method of selective laser sintering of metal from cobalt-chromium powder has been applied to convert it to an analog. The ceramic stump part is implemented by pressing ceramics using traditional technology. Results. A useful model of a combined pin-stump lay has been developed. A step-by-step manufacturing process using the capabilities of modern technologies in orthopedic dentistry is proposed. The advantages of the design at each stage of manufacture are described, ensuring a good result of orthopedic treatment. Conclusions. The combined pin-stump lay developed as a result of the study has a number of advantages. The use of software for volumetric modeling increases the accuracy of manufacturing this orthopedic structure. Selective laser sintering makes it possible to obtain high strength characteristics. The ceramic processing method has a positive effect on the aesthetics parameter at the final stage of prosthetics.
tooth-preserving technologies, combined pin-stump lay, selective laser sintering, additive technologies, press ceramics, extensive defects of dental crowns
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