Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Russian Federation
LLC SK UniDent (chief physician and director)
Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
UDK 616.31 Стоматология. Заболевания ротовой полости и зубов
Relevance. The work is devoted to the study of the main criteria for the quality of medical dental care, allowing to assess the satisfaction of the population with medical care, as well as the definition of concepts and principles of quality, comfort safety in the provision of medical dental care, collection and synthesis of statistical data in terms of the provision of medical services to the population and systematization of information on clinical cases in order to promote the modern concept of medical care, based on the continuity of the medical process, ensuring satisfaction of the ever-increasing need of the population in obtaining dental care. According to literary sources, despite the modern equipment and improvement of medical services, satisfaction with the provision of medical dental care does not exceed 40% among the population. The goal is to analyze regulatory documents, domestic and foreign literature, for issues of the quality of medical dental services and the basic principles necessary to reduce defects and increase patient satisfaction. Methodology. Analysis of publications using scientific search library databases: PubMed, Central, Google, Medline, Elibrary. The selection of materials was carried out by keywords. Results. The main characteristics of determining the quality of medical dental care are: availability, timeliness of provision, safety of medical care, clinical and economic efficiency, patient orientation, continuity, these principles allow you to meet the expectations of both the doctor and the patient. To achieve positive dynamics in the treatment of diseases, it is recommended to apply evidence-based medicine and adhere to approved national clinical guidelines. Conclusions. The availability of dental care directly affects the dental health of the population, which is one of the priority areas of modern health care.
quality of medical care, defects in dental care, dental services, dental clinic, satisfaction with dental care
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