Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The subject of this article is a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the various biochemical factors that influence the success of dental implant placement and function. The study aims are to identify and understand the following aspects: osseointegration processes, growth factors and cytokines, biocompatibility of materials and implants, ionic composition of the oral cavity, inflammatory processes, biochemical markers of recovery prediction. The aim is to study and characterize the biochemical factors influencing the durability of the implant construction and the integrative ability of implants. Research objectives: 1) to determine which biochemical factors are most important for successful dental implantation and can be used as predictors of osseointegration success. 2) explain the importance for a comprehensive approach and to show the importance of integrating data on the biochemical status of the patient into the overall picture of preoperative examination and subsequent monitoring to improve the long-term results of implant treatment. Methodology. A review of the literature on the subject for the last 10 years has been carried out, which allows to reveal correlations between biochemical processes and the success of dental implant surgeries. The mechanism of the impact of the biochemical composition of the oral cavity on the implant is considered. Results. Literature data indicate that biochemical processes play a crucial role in the process of osseointegration and maintenance of stable connection of the implant with the bone tissue. Optimization of these processes can significantly improve the success of dental implants. Conclusions. It was found that taking into account the biochemical factors influencing osseointegration, immune response and tissue reaction to implant materials helps to better understand the mechanisms related to implant biocompatibility with oral tissues for further successful implantation.

dental implants, osseointegration, biochemical factors, growth factors, cytokines, biocompatibility, osteoblasts and osteoclasts

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