Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Objective. To improve technically the diagnostic analysis of 3D-cephalometric parameters of the skull and 3D-odontometric and 3D-biometric parameters of the complete dentition with distal occlusion during the period of permanent dentition according to extended cone-beam computed tomography. Methodology. 134 patients aged 17–35 years with a “distal occlusion” diagnosis were 3D-cephalometrically and 3D-biometrically examined.The parameters of the tragus width and diagonal of the skull on both sides were studied using virtual dynamic 3D-reformats of the skull. The gnathic skull index was calculated and the mesognathic, dolichognathic and brachygnathic skull types were determined. The width, thickness and height of permanent teeth crowns were measured using virtual dynamic 3D-reformats of diagnostic jaw models. Dental types (normodont, microdont, macrodont) of the complete dentition with distal occlusion were determined and abnormal forms (V-shaped, saddle-shaped, triangular, trapezoid, asymmetric) of dentition were pictured. The arcade index was calculated and gnathic types (mesognathic, dolichgnathic, brachiagnathic) of dentition were determined. Severity of the sagittal occlusal curve of Spee was determined on both sides. Results. Mesognathic and dolichognathic types of skull were diagnosed most often; the brachygnathic type was the least common. The combined dental type was in the lead, followed by the microdont and normodont types, the macrodont type was the least common among the dental types of dentition. Analysis of the abnormal shapes of dentition showed a trapezoidal shape predominance in both jaws. The dolichognathic type was most often to be found smong the gnathic types of dentition on both jaws. When analyzing the severity of sagittal occlusal Spee curves, the sharply concave curve was the leader on both sides. Conclusion. Individual 3D-cephalometric and 3D-biometric parameters obtained from extended cone-beam computed tomography can be used to simplify diagnosis, prognosis and to improve the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment.

3D-cephalometry, 3D-odontometry, 3D-biometry, CBCT 3D-reformat, gnathic skull index, dentition dental type, abnormal dentition shape types, gnathic type of dentition, sagittal occlusal Spee curve, period of permanent dentition

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