Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The educational process has undergone significant changes throughout the history of mankind. Over the past few years, in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, a model of distance and mixed learning format has been integrated into the educational activities of universities, implying the use of distance educational forms. To assess the effectiveness of this model of education, it is necessary to analyze the final academic performance of a graduate student, his readiness for practical activity, possession of a certain set of skills and abilities in comparison with the classical model of education. In the course of this study, it was found that the academic performance of students of the Faculty of Dentistry according to the results of the state final certification, when comparing the classical model of education with distance learning, remains at a high level: there are no unsatisfactory results in all three stages of certification, high rates of obtaining positive grades by certified students remain, which indicates the correct choice of the trajectory of the educational process. Subject. Results of the state final certification at the Ural State Medical University in 2019, 2020 and 2022. Objectives. Comparative analysis of the results of the training of graduates of the Faculty of Dentistry in various training conditions. Methodology. The data of the results of the State final certification of students of the Faculty of Dentistry for the period in 2019, 2020 and 2022 were studied. The selected time period includes the period of preparation of students in the conditions of a pandemic using various learning technologies. Results. In the analyzed period, the indicators of the state final certification were consistently high and equivalent relative to the total number of graduates, regardless of the form of study. When comparing all formats of the educational process, according to the results of the certification, there were no unsatisfactory results, which indicates the effectiveness of both the classical form of full-time education and the mixed form of the educational process in the distance format. Conclusion. Given the similarity of the results of the final certification, we can conclude about the effectiveness of forms of distance education along with classical ones.

state final certification, distance education, assessment of practical skills, COVID-19, higher medical education

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