Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. The subject of this study is DentaSwiss Stop Smoking toothpaste. Objective. The objective of this study is to define kinetic and dynamic features of cleaning efficacy, remineralizing and anti-inflammatory effects of the new no-smoking toothpaste. Methodology. Study participants included 56 volunteers, young patients (26 males, 30 females; the average age of patients was 21.5 ± 1.75 years). The four groups were formed with 14 patients in each group: the first group included smoking patients brushing teeth with DentaSwiss Stop Smoking; the second group included smoking patients brushing teeth with the placebo toothpaste for oral hygiene; the third group included non-smoking patients brushing teeth with DentaSwiss Stop Smoking; the fourth group included non-smoking patients brushing teeth with the placebo toothpaste for oral hygiene. All study participants were evaluated for dental index values and mixed saliva characteristics. Delivery kinetics of DentaSwiss Stop Smoking components containing calcium (KK-component “functional calcite”) was measured using the diffusion apparatus. Diffusion rate in the toothpaste suspension was calculated through cellulose acetate semipermeable membrane. Organoleptic properties of the new toothpaste were evaluated using 10-rating scale survey. Conclusions. The diffusion rate of the new toothpaste was 5.0 ± 0.12 pg/s. The average penetration coefficient was 255 ± 0.12 nm/s, the average diffusion coefficient was 10.71 ± 0.08.10-11 m2/s. Toothpaste particle sizes were 2.07 ± 0.17 nm. Studies of use of the new no-smoking toothpaste demonstrated reliable improvement of indices which was evidenced by the increase in pH. On all parameters, organoleptic properties of DentaSwiss Stop Smoking toothpaste were highly ranked by the study participants scoring the average of 9.99 ± 0.01.

toothpaste, oral hygiene, pastes, diffusion rate, penetration and diffusion coefficient

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