Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
UDK 616 Патология. Клиническая медицина
The subject. Radicular cyst is the most common type of odontogenic tumors of the jaws of inflammatory type, with an incidence of 52–68% of all diagnosed jaw cystic sacs. A review of literary sources in recent years related to the study of cystogenesis has revealed various concepts of the pathogenesis of this pathology. It does not allow us to identify a decisive theory for the development of radicular cysts that determines the beginning of its formation. Objectives. To study the features of the pathogenetic development of radicular cysts, according to the literature. Methodology. Within the framework of this article, the analysis of publications from the databases PubMed, Google, eLibrary and Cyberleninka. The search included full-text articles. The main selection of materials was carried out by keywords. Results. However, a significant portion of researchers believe that the cystogenesis of radicular cysts is a multifactorial, immunologically controlled process with a close functional relationship of all components, with the primary causative factor being bacterial invasion. Microorganisms localized inside the root canal initiate an immunopathological process, in response to which a tissue reaction is recorded in the form of chronic inflammation. Pathophysiological processes are controlled by flocogens. The regulation of them may go beyond their sequential coordination. As a rule, this leads to tissue damage, the product of which is pathological formations, including a radicular cyst. Conclusions. The article presents modern data on the key factors of cystogenesis – etiological, morphological in the context of the theory of cyst sacs as an immunologically controlled process.
radicular cysts, formation of radicular cysts, Endodontic infections, periodontopathogenic microorganisms, apical periodontitis
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