Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 616 Патология. Клиническая медицина
The provision of paid medical services (PMS) is declared by Federal Law No. 323-FZ dated 21.11.2011 "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" (Article 19) [1, 5, 7]. The procedure and conditions for the provision of PMS by medical organizations are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of the same name dated May 11, 2023 No. 736 in the form of Rules [8, 10]. Any medical organization regardless of its organizational and legal form and form of ownership as well as an individual entrepreneur can be the provider of such services [3, 11]. An indispensable requirement for the provision of PMS is compliance with the procedures for the provision of medical care, clinical recommendations approved by non-profit professional organizations, and standards approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation [9, 10]. The provision of PMS is also regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation No. 23001 of February 7, 1992 "On Consumer Rights Protection". At the same time, there is a constant increase in the amount of PMS in the Russian Federation, their provision being an additional and quite significant source of funding for medical organizations [2, 4, 6]. The article presents the analysis of the volume of medical services provided at the expense of citizens and in accordance with voluntary health insurance contracts in the dental department of the state medical organization for five years in the specialty of therapeutic dentistry. It is found that 71.8% of services were provided at the expense of citizens, and 28.2% were provided under voluntary medical insurance contracts. In the general structure of therapeutic and diagnostic measures, the removal of deposits on the teeth (69.3%) ranks the first, the treatment of caries being in the second place (15.0%), and the treatment of non-carious lesions of the teeth being in the third place (6.4%). The data obtained show a year-over-year increase in the volume of therapeutic and preventive care: by 1.3 times for caries, by 1.2 times for non-carious lesions of teeth, by 1.8 times for pulpitis, by 2.1 times for gingivitis. Patients do not show any interest in the paid treatment of periodontal diseases, so it takes less than one percent of the total volume of care (0.88% at the expense of citizens and 0.25% under voluntary health insurance contracts). The unfavorable epidemiological situation leads to a decrease in the volume of paid dental therapeutic care.
medical organization, dental therapeutic care, voluntary health insurance, paid medical services, the amount of therapeutic and prophylactic care
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2. Barinov S.A. Ponyatie medicinskoy uslugi kak ob'ekta medicinskogo prava. Sovremennoe pravo. 2012;1:93. [S.A. Barinov. The concept of medical service as an object of medical law. Modern Law. 2012;1:93. (In Russ.)].
3. Vagner V.D., Losev F.F., Markina L.A. Dobrovol'noe medicinskoe strahovanie stomatologicheskogo lecheniya naseleniya Rossii (obzor literatury). Medicinskiy alfavit. 2022;34:83-86. [V.D. Vagner, F.F. Losev, L.A. Markina. Voluntary health insurance for dental treatment of the population of Russia (review of literature). Medical Alphabet. 2022;34:83-86. (In Russ.)].
4. Vagner V.D., Markina L.A., Losev F.F., Bogomolov D.E. Ekonomicheskiy analiz rezul'tatov okazaniya stomatologicheskih uslug po dogovoram dobrovol'nogo medicinskogo strahovaniya i v vide platnyh medicinskih uslug. Institut stomatologii. 2023;1(98):10-11. [V.D. Vagner, L.A. Markina, F.F. Losev, D.E. Bogomolov. Economic Analysis of the results of providing dental care services under voluntary medical insurance contracts and in the form of chargeable medical services. The Institute of Dentistry. 2023;1(98):10-11. (In Russ.)].
5. Losev F.F., Markina L.A., Vagner V.D. Ekonomicheskaya celesoobraznost' okazaniya platnyh medicinskih uslug stomatologicheskim otdeleniem gosudarstvennoy medicinskoy organizacii. Medicinskiy alfavit. 2023;12(54):36-39. [F.F. Losev, L.A. Markina, V.D. Wagner. Economic feasibility of providing paid medical services by the dental department of a state medical organization. Medical Alphabet. 2023;12(54):36-39. (In Russ.)]. DOI
6. Malygina T.Yu. Analiz osnovnyh tendenciy rossiyskogo rynka stomatologicheskih uslug. Molodoy uchenyy. 2016;11(115):832-836. [T.Yu. Malygina. The analysis of the main trends in the Russian market of dental services. Young Scientist. 2016;11(115):832-836. (In Russ.)].
7. Markina L.A., Vagner V.D., Borodovicina S.I. Sravnitel'naya ocenka strahovyh programm dobrovol'nogo medicinskogo strahovaniya po stomatologii. Institut stomatologii. 2021;4(93):15-17. [L.A. Markina, V.D. Wagner, S.I. Borodovitsina. The comparative evaluation of voluntary insurance programs in dentistry. The Institute of Dentistry. 2021;4(93):15-17. (In Russ.)].
8. Markina L.A. Platnye medicinskie stomatologicheskie uslugi naseleniyu Rossiyskoy Federacii (obzor literatury). Institut stomatologii. 2022;3(96):86-87. [L.A. Markina. Commercial medical dental services to the population of Russia (review of literature). The Institute of Dentistry. 2022;3(96):86-87. (In Russ.)].
9. Panov A.V. Bykovskaya T.Yu. Sovremennye podhody k sovershenstvovaniyu instituta platnyh medicinskih uslug v Rossii. Issledovaniya i praktika v medicine. 2019;1(16):119-131. [A.V. Panov, T.Yu. Bykovskaya. Modern approaches to improving the institution of paid medical services in Russia. Research and Practice in medicine. 2019;1(16):119-131. (In Russ.)]. DOI:
10. Tatievskaya K.A. Osobennosti sotrudnichestva stomatologicheskih klinik s organizaciyami dobrovol'nogo medicinskogo strahovaniya. Vestnik Evraziyskoy nauki. 2021;2(13). [K.A. Tatievskaya. Features of cooperation between dental clinics and organizations of voluntary medical insurance. Bulletin of Eurasian Science. 2021;2(13). (In Russ.)].