Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
UDK 616 Патология. Клиническая медицина
Subject. Dental prophylaxis in pregnant women is frequently ineffective, and the indicators to characterize the dental caries intensity, and its growth rate during pregnancy have been persisted at a fairly high level. The tooth tissues resistance degree to aggressive factors of the oral cavity may be considered to be the significant. The teeth resistance to caries is determined by morphological structure of the enamel. A three-component calcium-phosphate-fluorine-containing gel improves the quality characteristics of tooth enamel, which is confirmed by the data of the KOSRE-test (clinical determination of enamel remineralization rate) and the electrical conductivity of tooth enamel. The dynamic assessment of using the three-component calcium-phosphate-fluorine-containing gel effectiveness as a mean of preventing caries in pregnant women with different levels of tooth enamel resistance to demineralization processes has been quoted. Objectives. Evaluation of the effectiveness of caries prevention using the three-component calcium-phosphate-fluorine-containing gel in pregnant women with different levels of resistance. Methodology. Clinical examining and observing 126 pregnant women with different levels of resistance have been performed. As a means of caries prevention, the three-component calcium-phosphate-fluorine-containing gel with the ratio Ca:F:P = 2:1:1 was used. Results. After applying a three-component calcium-phosphate-fluorine-containing gel the tooth enamel electrical conductivity of women with different levels of resistance has significantly decreased in comparison with the initial values. According to the KPUP Index data any statistically significant increasing in new carious cavities hasn’t been noticed after a year after using the three-component calcium-phosphate-fluorine-containing gel. By the way a low degree of tooth enamel compliance to the acid influencing, and the statistically significant rate of artificial demineralization focus recovering have been noted after using the gel. Conclusion. The caries-prophylactic measures have been determined to have to be administered for pregnant women with taking into account the tooth resistance level, because the teeth enamel at pregnant women with different levels of resistance has dissimilar resistance to demineralization processes. The three-component calcium-phosphate-fluorine-containing gel prescribed by using application is considered to be the versatile mean of caries prevention for pregnant women with different levels of resistance that has been confirmed by improving the electrical conductivity of tooth enamel to be the indicator of its mineralization, the data of the KOSRE-test, and the values of the DMFT Index (sum of all surfaces of permanent and milk teeth affected by caries, filled and removed) in observation dynamics.
pregnant women, caries prevention, three-component calcium-phosphate-fluorine-containing gel, levels of resistance to caries, electrical conductivity of tooth enamel
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