Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Kazan, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Kazan, Russian Federation
Bashkir State University (Scientific Laboratory for the Study of Social and Economic Problems, Head of the Scientific Laboratory)
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
This work presents a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of local treatment of re-current aphtae in patients with clinical manifestations of hypersecretory diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT). Object. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the impact of a diode laser and applications of powdered platelet of autologous plasma relative to generally accepted methods of local treatment of recurrent oral aphtae. Materials and methods. 58 patients with clinical manifestations of K12.00 have been treated. Recurrent oral aphthae were at the age of 25 to 45 years. Depending on the method of local treatment, clinical subgroups – Ia and IIa (15 patients each) received the proposed complex of local treatment, Ib and IIb (14 patients each) treatment according to well-known methods. The effec-tiveness of local treatment was assessed by reducing the degree of inflammation, the intensity of the level of nociceptive pain and increasing the rate of epithelialization of aphtae. Results and discussion. The effectiveness of local treatment was assessed by reducing inflammation, pain and increasing the rate of epithelialization of aphtae. A more rapid reduction in pain and a decrease in the size of aft was observed in the Ia and IIa clinical subgroups during 3.0 ± 0.2 and 3.1 ± 0.2 days, complete epithelialization of aphtae and leveling of all complaints by 4.9 ± 0.4 and 4.7 ± 0.4 days, increased the remission period to 12 months. In patients Ib and IIb, pain reduction and reduction in aphtae size were observed by 3.5 ± 0.2 and 4.9 days, complete epithelialization and leveling of all complaints by 7.9 ± 0.2 and 7.5 ± 0.3 days, aft recurrence was observed by 6 and 12 months of dynamic observation. Conclusions. The in-clusion a diode laser in the local treatment regimen, applications of powdered autologous platelet plasma and maintenance therapy with a course frequency of 2 times a year is a highly effective method and helps to relieve nociceptive pain, inflammation, accelerate epithelializa-tion and regeneration of the mucous membrane and reduce relapses. Summary. The use a di-ode laser and applications of powdered autologous platelet plasma in combination with maintenance therapy is an effective method of local treatment of recurrent aphtae in patients against the background of basic and classical hypersecretory gastrointestinal diseases.
recurrent oral aphthae, hypersecretory gastrointestinal diseases, nociceptive pain, diode laser, maintenance therapy
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