Dental clinic "Elite" (Department of Therapeutic Dentistry with the course of ICPEdentist-therapist)
Ufa, Kazan, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Bashkir State University (Scientific Laboratory for the Study of Social and Economic Problems, Head of the Scientific Laboratory)
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Kazan, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
The purpose of the study is to evaluation of peculiarities of complaints, symptoms and clinical manifestations of typical asymptomatic (L43.80) and erosive-ulcerative (L43.82) forms of lichen planus (LP), its manifestations on the oral mucosa, depending on the age and sex of patients. Material and methods. In the present study, 111 patients with OLP were divided into a main clinical group with erosive-ulcerative form of OLP (L43.82, n = 86) and a comparison group with typical asymptomatic form of OLP (L43.80, n = 25) based on the complex of dental examination and simple randomization method. Mann–Whitney and chi-square tests, including Yates' correction, were used to assess the statistical significance of differences between the groups. Results. Patients with the typical asymptomatic form of OLP (L43.80) often had grayish-white, flat papules up to 2 mm in diameter on the unchanged mucosa of the cheeks and dorsal surface of the tongue in the absence of complaints. In the erosive and ulcerative form (L43.82) of OLP, the complaints of pain, intensifying at intake of hard, spicy and hot food, feeling of tightness, roughness, burning, slight dryness prevailed, papules, erosions of irregular or polygonal ulcers were simultaneously observed on swollen, hyperemic mucosa of cheeks, corners of mouth and lateral surface of tongue. The studied pathology prevailed in 81.98% of cases in persons of young working age. Depending on the form of OLP, the intensity of caries according to the CPU index corresponds to a high or very high degree of caries process, the state of oral hygiene according to the OHI-S index of poor or poor hygiene, the inflammatory process in periodontal tissues according to the PMA index of mild or medium degree of inflammation (p < 0.001). Conclusion: thus, the identified features of complaints, symptoms and manifestations of oral mucosal lichen planus should be taken into account by general practitioners when conducting outpatient appointments.
red squamous lichen, oral mucosa, pain, burning, dryness, dental status
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