Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. The article presents the results of the complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis associated with fungi of the genus Candida, developed by the authors. The relevance of the study is associated with the prevalence of the disease and the lack of effective treatment. The aim of the study – increasing the efficiency of surgical treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis associated with fungi of the genus Candida, using non-invasive laser blood irradiation in the early postoperative period. Methodology. The study was conducted in two groups of patients (main and comparison group). In the main group at the preoperative stage, a two-component probiotic was included in the complex of anti-inflammatory therapy. Surgical treatment was carried out according to the method developed by the authors, where a plate was used to replace the bone cavity, including collagen and the probiotic Bacillus subtilis 3H immobilized in it. In patients in the comparison group, preoperative anti-inflammatory, as well as surgical treatment, was performed according to a well-known method. The results were evaluated by clinical, immunological and functional research methods. Results. In patients of the main group, a significant improvement in the indicators of clinical, immunological and functional research methods was noted three months after the operation and stably persisted up to 12 months after the operation. In patients of the comparison group, three months after the operation, a negative trend was observed. Findings. Inclusion in the complex of treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis associated with fungi of the genus Candida, a two-component probiotic followed by surgical treatment according to the method developed by the authors using a plate, including collagen and the probiotic Bacillus subtilis 3H immobilized in it, allows achieving stable results in the long-term after surgery. Key words: chronic generalized periodontitis, Candida fungi, probiotics, collagen, immunoglobulins, oral fluid, periodontal pockets, bone optical density. The authors declared no conflict of interest.

chronic generalized periodontitis, Candida fungi, probiotics, collagen, immunoglobulins, oral fluid, periodontal pockets, bone optical density

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