Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Occlusion is a harmonious interaction of the dental system in dynamics, ending with the contact of teeth in conditions of their normal or disturbed ratio. This is a complex action involving teeth, masticatory muscles, TMJ. Occlusive disorders are a reflection of the external manifestations of pathological processes of the dental system. There is no doubt that in the search for etiological factors of occlusion disorders, the problem will manifest itself in one of the parts of the chewing system. The aim of the study was to optimize the early diagnosis of occlusive disorders in young patients without violating the integrity of the dentition. Materials and methods. The study included 36 patients without a violation of the integrity of the dentition aged 18 to 25 years (15 men, 21 women), who did not complain of pain in the dental system. A comprehensive dental examination was carried out and an individual "questionnaire and patient's health card" was filled out. Computer analysis with the T-Scan III occlusiography system of the company Tekscan (USA) was used to register the nature of the closing of the dentition, the study of diagnostic models in the PROTAR evo 7 KAVO articulator, as well as the study of the registration of the difference in the biopotentials of the masticatory and temporal muscles proper in patients in the phase of relative physiological rest and with maximum jaw compression using a four-channel electromyograph Synapsis NMF Neurotech (Russia). The results showed that the prevalence of occlusive disorders in the study group is 83.3%. The abnormal position of the teeth in the dentition in combination with malocclusion anomalies, non-physiological relief of the occlusal surfaces of the teeth formed due to various factors which cause the appearance of premature contacts. This prevents the harmonious sliding movements of the lower jaw and is accompanied by articulatory changes in the entire chewing system.
occlusion, occlusal balance, premature contacts, computer diagnostics, occlusiogram, electoromyography, analysis of models in the articulator
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