Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Simferopol, Simferopol, Russian Federation
Relevance. According to the WHO scale, mucositis of 3-4 degrees is a severe injury among patients receiving high-dose radiation and chemotherapy for the head and neck region, the frequency of which reaches 85%. Dental treatment of such patients is extremely important, more often it is symptomatic and is aimed at improving their well-being and limiting the spread of the process, particularly oral mucositis. The aim of this study was to increase the effectiveness of the prevention of oral mucositis in patients with COR cancer against the background of systemic chemoradiation treatment. Material and methods. We examined 89 patients with a diagnosis of oral mucosa cancer (C00-C06, C10, C13, C14) according to ICD-10) II and III stages (T2-3, N0-1, M0), aged from 55 to 67 years, who received chemo-radiation therapy for the head and neck area. To rate immune status, in particular the mechanisms of regulation of protective reactions at the local level, patients with mucositis in the oral fluid were examined and it was determined by the content of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory interleukins (IL), the concentration of cytokines in saliva was determined by ELISA. Depending on the method of treatment, patients were divided into two groups: comparison (traditional treatment) and main (developed method). Results. The concentration of proinflammatory IL-1b in the saliva of patients before starting treatment averaged 126.14 ± 45.01 pg/ml and anti-inflammatory IL-10 at 94.96 ± 44.20 pg/ml. Laetrile has a short-term local effect, which slightly affects the cytokine profile of saliva, the concentration of IL-1 increases by the 5th day, and IL-10 decreases 2.2 times. The concentration of cytokines before treatment was 64.55 ± 22.85 pg/ml and tended to gradually increase by the 7th day. For IL-10, the values were also low. Thus, a significant individual difference in the content of these cytokines was revealed, reflecting the sensitivity to both radiation and local therapy.
oral mucositis, cytokine, treatment, radiation therapy, chemotherapy
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