Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The active introduction of innovative technologies, namely 3D printing in dentistry, is of great interest from dentists of various specialties. The use of virtual modeling and printing is actively implemented not only in the work of dental technicians, but also dental surgeons, orthopedists, orthodontists, and doctors of other specialties. Modern technologies allow you to print a surgical template for more accurate and predictable implant placement, plan dental interventions and see the result even before the start of treatment, transfer a prototype of future structures using temporary materials. The article is devoted to the possibility of using a 3D printer for the manufacture of long-wearing crowns. The application of new technologies in dentistry is considered using the example of 3D printing. Possibilities of this technology and the specifics of working with it. Objective: to assess the possibilities of clinical application of long-term wearing crowns made by 3D printing. Methodology. Based on the literature review, and the use of scientific search bibliographic databases: PubMed, eLibrary, Medline, Google Academy, the availability and prevalence of 3D printing technology in dentistry was determined, and in particular its application for printing long-term crowns. Clinical fabrication of long-term crowns was carried out. Conclusions. The emergence of innovative technologies in dentistry, in particular 3D printing, and new materials, are currently attracting active interest from the dental community. 3D modeling and printing are becoming more and more confident in our daily life every day. A thorough study of this method is undoubtedly promising, but it requires deep immersion in the problem, clinical and laboratory observations of structures made of materials for long-term wear.

CAD/CAM, dentistry, 3D printer, orthopedics, prosthetics, crowns, temporary, long-term constructions

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