Kirov, Kirov, Russian Federation
Kirov, Kirov, Russian Federation
from 01.01.1992 until now
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Kirov, Kirov, Russian Federation
Subject. The need for removable orthopedic dentures increases in proportion to the increase in the number of patients with violation of the integrity of the dentition. Mechanical, toxical and sensitising effects of removable orthopedic dentures are the local factor for the occurrence of inflammatory disorders. Frequently the pharmaceutical products for prevention and treatment don’t have a selective action and can cause a unwanted side effect. The experts recommend to give preference to non-drug means and methods, including balneological theraphy. We for the first time conducted and described the determination of criteria for choosing the composition of mineral water solutions and comparative research of solution effectiveness in the treatment of stomatitis. Goal. To conduct an experimental research of mineral water for dentistry using in prevention and treatment of denture stomatitis associated with Candida-disease. Methodology. The subject of research is the sodium chloride magnesium boric iodine-bromine, brine (salt) mineral water with 50-60 g/dm3 ratio of total salt content. Composition and properties of mineral water and solutions based on it was assessed by indicators: pH, osmolality, macrocells diffusion rate, difference of optical transmission rate when the solution is heated. In the results of laboratory experiments was revealed the most optimal concentration of mineral solution for dentistry using – 1:4. The obtained water solution with explored medicinal product (Myramistin 0,01%) demonstrate strong antimycotic activity for test yeast fungi (in vitro). Conclusions: 20% solution mineral water can be recommended for course of prevention and complex treatment of denture stomatitis associated with Candida-disease.
removable prosthesis, prosthetic stomatitis, candida stomatitis, mineral water, experiment
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