Tyumen, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Tyumen, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Tyumen', Tyumen, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Tyumen, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Subject. The study of the results of the examination of the patients with the temporomandibular joint dysfunction depending on the habitual physical activity type. The aim of the study is to estimate the results of the examination of the patients with the temporomandibular joint dysfunction depending on the habitual physical activity type. Methodology. 105 patients (18 male patients and 87 female patients) aged 20-35 with the occlusive temporomandibular joint dysfunction (K07.6 Diseases of temporomandibular joint) living in Tyumen and in Tyumen region were examined. The study was carried out at “the Regional stomatological polyclinic” in Tyumen. Results. The study of the peculiarities of temporomandibular joint dysfunction depending on the habitual physical activity type was carried out. The clinical results of the dynamic observation and complex functional study in 105 patients aged 20-35 having occlusive temporomandibular joint dysfunction were given. Conclusion. The results showed that there was a direct connection between the changes in dentomandibular system and the physical activity level in 105 patients aged 20-35 with occlusive temporomandibular joint dysfunction living in Tyumen and Tyumen region. In the studied subjects, with a a low level of habitual motor activi 8.43% more defects in the dentition were found in comparison with a high level of habitual motor activity, and by 6.02% more than in comparison with an average level of habitual motor activity, the pathological abrasion of the teeth was almost 2 times higher compared with a high level of habitual motor activity. An additional examination method based on computed tomography showed a violation of the articular relationship in 67.3% of cases, signs of TMJ hypermobility one and two-sided in 28.2%, changes in the position of the condyles in the joint in 33.33% of cases, in the group with a low level of habitual motor activity.
TMJ, temporomandibular joint, dysfunction, physical activity level, physiological status
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