Tyumen', Tyumen, Russian Federation
Tyumen', Tyumen, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Subject. The study of the sanitary culture of rural population is an information and analytic base for the development and implementation of activities concerning the primary prevention of dental diseases on the territories of southern rural areas of Tyumen region. The aim is to estimate the social and hygienic level of skills in the population of Jurga district of Tyumen region. Materials and methods. The investigations were carried out using expeditionary and exploratory method. 200 men living in Jurga district took part in the questionnaire. The standardized questionnaire regarding the oral health developed by WHO experts (2013) was used. All men were divided according to the gender and age [at the age of 12 (n=69), at the age of 15(n=31), at the age of 35-44 (n=67), at the age of 65 and older (n=33)]. According to the data received the portrait concerning social and hygienic skills was made up for each age group. The results were processed using analytic program «Vortex 10.7.3». Results. The analysis of the received data revealed the low level of social and hygienic skills in the population of all aged groups living in Yurga district. The conducted medical and sociological questionnaire of population showed that the significant part of the population does not have knowledge of the choice of hygienic objects as well as the insignificant volume of skills of the individual oral hygiene. Also they do not have the necessity of carrying out preventive measures, dynamic check up of the oral health. Besides, the education of the population also plays a great role in the prevention of dental diseases. The tendency to the high motivation of carrying out the preventive measures was revealed in the persons having high education.
social and hygienic skills, rural population, south of Tyumen region, medical and sociological questionnaire, individual oral hygiene, prevention of dental diseases
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