Tyumen, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Tyumen, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Tyumen', Tyumen, Russian Federation
Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Tyumen, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Subject. The study of the osseous tissue state in the dental implants setting, their functioning after the orthopedic treatment according to the climatic and geographical location. Aim of the study is to estimate the osseous tissue state in the dental implants setting, their functioning after the orthopedic treatment according to the climatic and geographical location. Methodology. The study regarding the estimation of the osseous tissue state after dental implants setting and subsequent orthopedic treatment taking them into consideration was carried out. The analysis of the medical documentation of 180 patients divided into 6 groups according to climatic and geographical location was made. The study was carried out using KBKT through definite control points to reveal the regularity of the region where the patients live, life conditions and the osseous tissue state. Results. The analysis of the received data showed that the patients living in Tyumen had the better osseous tissue state, the level of implants osseointegration and stability of the orthopedic constructions than the persons living in the north of Tyumen region. Conclusion. The level of the osseous tissue state after dental implants setting is different in the groups living in various climatic and geographical conditions including ones of the same region.
osseous tissue, dental implantation, orthopedic treatment, estimation of the osseous tissue, prosthesis function
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