Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Tyumen', Tyumen, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
from 01.09.2008 until now
Ural State Medical University (Department of Therapeutic Dentistry and Propaedeutics of Dental Diseases, Associate Professor of the Department)
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
UDK 61 Медицина. Охрана здоровья
Subject. Modern medical care is not complete without the use of modern digital technologies — from remote patient registration and appointment, to remote diagnostics and laboratory tests, monitoring the condition of the patient. In most foreign countries and Russian medical institutions, telemedicine and digital technologies are actively used in the provision of dental care. The impact of digitalization of medical organizations as part of the transformation of the technological environment on the effectiveness of the organization of dental care services and patient satisfaction. The goal is to study the parameters of psychological resources of subjects of the treatment process that affect the development of digitalization. Develop an initiative to increase the benefits of digitalization in dental care. Methodology. Individual, tutored training in digitalization skills. Group forms of training (seminars, round tables, trainings). Results. Our research has shown that digitalization should start with the registry. This also implies improving the personal qualities and skills of both health professionals and patients. In addition, digitalization should also contribute to the development of comfort in the provision of dental services and improve the quality and safety of medical services provided. Conclusions. A resource-based approach in digital dentistry can be a conscious choice that can improve the efficiency of dental procedures and optimize workflows. In dental practice, saving time for performing auxiliary procedures means reducing the duration of appointments, increasing throughput, and increasing patient satisfaction in General and specific cases.
resource approach to digitalization, socio-psychological adaptation to digitalization, preparation of medical activities for working with digital technologies
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10. Chernavsky, A. F., Badalyan, A. A. et al. (2018). Kompleksnyy kliniko-psikhologicheskiy podkhod pri dlitel'nom stomatologicheskom lechenii v MAU «SP № 12» [Complex clinical and psychological approach to long-term dental treatment at MAU "SP No. 12"]. Problemy stomatologii [Actual problems in Dentistry], 14, 1, 117-121. (In Russ.)
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24. Zaripova, E. M., Chernavsky, A. F., Leonova, O. M. (2014). Sozdaniye psikhoemotsional'noy komfortnosti dlya patsiyenta na priyeme u vracha stomatologa [Creation of psychoemotional comfort for the patient at the dentist's appointment]. Biosovmestimyye materialy i novyye tekhnologii v stomatologii: sbornik statey Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii. 27-28 noyabrya [Biocompatible materials and new technologies in dentistry: collection of articles of the International conference. November 27-28], Kazan : Kazan Publishing House, 212-218. (In Russ.)
25. Chernavsky, A. F., Petrov, I. A., Belova, O. A. (2016). Formirovaniye psikhologicheskoy ustoychivosti vrachey stomatologa MAU «SP № 12» pri okazanii meditsinskikh uslug [Formation of psychological stability of dentist doctors of MAU "SP No. 12" in the provision of medical services]. Problemy stomatologii [Actual problems in Dentistry], 12, 2, 116-124. (In Russ.)
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