Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Background. Preventive measures that are implemented through the introduction of regional prevention programs have a massive focus and do not lead to a decrease in dental morbidity, because they are based on routine preventive measures without taking into account the individual characteristics of metabolic processes in the patient's oral cavity. All this confirms the need to abandon the mass approach when carrying out preventive measures, and requires the search for modern methods for predicting dental caries, based on predictive diagnostics of the risk of caries, which should be a key element of clinical examination of the pediatric population by a dentist. Purpose of the study: on the basis of a comprehensive clinical and laboratory approach with the use of mathematical analysis of the obtained data on homeostasis of the oral cavity, to establish predictors of the development of the carious process in children in order to determine the possibility of predicting dental caries during the period of mixed bite. Methodology. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination of metabolic processes in the oral cavity was carried out in 60 caries-resistant children during the period of mixed bite: from 7 to 12 years. Statistical analysis was performed using the STATISTICA 8.0 software. Results. According to the results of the study, strong relationships were revealed between individual clinical and laboratory indicators-predictors, an optimal set of predictors was established for constructing classification models for patients with different types of MCS, which is a prerequisite for the possibility of predicting the risk of caries development in children during the mixed bite period. Conclusions. An optimal set of predictors has been established for constructing classification models for patients with different types of ISS for creating computer programs aimed at preclinical diagnostics of the subclinical course of the carious process with access to prediction, which will allow planning individual primary preventive measures in children during the period of active formation of hard dental tissues.

clinical and laboratory research, caries predictors, caries-resistant children, changeable bite, computer programs, preclinical diagnostics

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