Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Rostov-na-Donu, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
UDK 61 Медицина. Охрана здоровья
GRNTI 76.29 Клиническая медицина
BBK 566 Стоматология
Subject. The article discusses the possibilities of cone-beam computed tomography in the study of the anatomy of the mental foramen: size, shape, topography, as well as the optical density of bone tissue at the mental foramen. The goal is to investigate the size, shape and topography of the mental foramen, as well as the optical density of bone tissue in it using cone-beam computed tomography. Methodology. The computed tomograms of the lower jaws of 26 patients were analyzed, according to which the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the mental openings were measured on the right and left, the number and sizes of additional mental openings, their location according to the Tebo and Telford classification, and the bone mineral density under the mental opening were determined. Statistical analysis was carried out using Microsoft Excel, Windows 9. Results. The resulting average dimensions of the right (4.01x3.93 mm) and left (3.81x3.95) mental holes confirm the results of more extensive studies done earlier. In the first case (1.9 %), an anatomical variation of the mental opening was revealed: 3 holes with dimensions 2.1×2.1 mm, 2.0×0.9, and 1.9×2.4. The symmetrical location of the chin foramen was found in 15 patients (57.7 %). In most cases, types III (25 %) and IV (53.84 %) of the location of the mental opening were identified. The average optical density of bone tissue under the mental foramen on the right side was 1618.9±145.1 HU, on the left ― 1571.64±159.64. There were no significant differences in the optical density of bone tissue for types II―IV of the location of the mental foramen. Conclusions. A significant variability in the topography of the mental foramen was revealed, in this regard, methods of mental anesthesia with a personalized approach, for example, the method of anesthesia of the intraosseous part of the chin nerve, are becoming relevant (authors Rabinovich S.A., Vasiliev Yu.L., Tsybulkin A.G.). High values of the optical density of bone tissue at the mental foramen confirm the ineffectiveness of diffusion of anesthetics through the cortical plate.
optical density, densitometry, mandible, cone-beam computed tomography, mental foramen
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