Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Subject. The dentist using electroneuromyography can determine the amplitude, nature of work and the degree of symmetry of the muscles in various conditions. Biopotentials of musculus masseter and musculus temporalis change during the exercise depending on the severity of physical activity, because they have a previously developed algorithm of muscle contraction. Aim is to analyze the degree of symmetry of the masticatory muscles depending on the chewing side preference Methodology. 26 people were examined in the investigation. They completed special questionnaire. The state of the masticatory muscles was determined by palpation, then the muscles were examined in various functional states using the electroneuromyograph. Results. When a participant have done an exercise (bench press with dumbbells), the lower jaw lost its mainstay. The optimal force of muscle closure was determined to restore the balance of the musculus masseter. Due to musculus temporalis contraction, the occlusal axis was changed more medially to the premolar and the lower jaw was pushed slightly forward. As a result, after finding a mainstay, the work of musculus masseter and musculus temporalis leveled off and became more synchronous in order to achieve the coordinated and balanced work of musculus masseter, musculus temporalis and also of the musculoskeletal system as a whole. Conclusions. Planning the treatment dentist should attend to restoration of the teeth tubercles on the chewing sides preference and non-preference, because the contraction of the musculus masseter and musculus temporalis on the right and on the left is not synchronous.
physical exertion, EMG, musculus masseter and musculus temporalis, electroneuromyography, chewing side preference
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