Baku, Azerbaijan
Background. The necessity of studying the microbiota of the oral cavity, as one of the main causes of complications after the installation of dental implants, is considered. In the dynamics of osseointegration of dental implants (1-6-12 months), a study was made of the species and quality composition of the microbiota of peri-implant and gingival furrows. Objectives ― to study the composition of microbiota in the gingival sulcus of an adjacent healthy tooth and the peri-implant sulcus of the implant in the process of osseointegration of dental implants. Methods. A microbiological study of the composition of the microbiota of the studied biotopes — the peri-implant sulcus and gingival sulcus of an adjacent healthy tooth in the process of osseointegration of dental implants in 83 patients was carried out. The total number of bacteria was detected by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results. 1 month after the installation of dental implants and fixation of the Treponema denticola gingival former in the samples from the gingival sulcus of the tooth was 16.03 %, and the number of Tannerella forsythensis was 5.52 % higher than in the samples from the peri-implant sulcus. After 6 months, the total bacterial mass in the peri-implant sulcus was 12.7 % less. The amounts of Prevotella intermedia, Treponema denticola, Tannerella forsythensis and Porphyromorans gingivalis in the peri-implant groove decreased by 2.9, 6.1, 5.2 and 11.6 %, respectively. After 12 months, a statistically significant decrease in Porphyromorans gingivalis was observed 2.7 times (p <0.01) and 2.6 times (p <0.01), respectively, in the peri-implant and gingival sulcus. Conclusions. In the process of osseointegration of dental implants, the total bacterial mass (p <0.01), Porphyromorans gingivalis (p <0.01) decreased dynamically, statistically significantly, the number of Tannerella forsythensis increased (p <0.05). Also dynamically, but slightly, a decrease in Candida albicans was observed. After 12 months, an accumulation of Prevotella intermediaries was observed at the implantation sites.
dental implantation, microflora, bacteria, gingival sulcus, periimplant sulcus
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