Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. Ceramic-metal prostheses are distinguished by high wear resistance, resistance to deformation, and tight fit to the gums. However, there are relatively large differences in determining the success / survival of cobalt chromium based restorations. The article presents the results of a study of cobalt-chromium fixed dentures. Objectives — evaluate the effectiveness of cobalt-chromium fixed dentures made using the direct metal laser sintering (DMLS) technique. Material and methods. 32 patients (mean age 41.8 ± 2.46 years) were found to have 54 fixed cobalt-chromium fixed bridges made using direct laser sintering of metals. Dentures were evaluated between 6, 12, 24, 36 months according to G. Ryge criteria. The survival rate of restorations is calculated according to Kaplan-Meyer. Results. Assessment of fixed prostheses revealed the absence of criteria C and D in all 3 categories. A comparative analysis of prostheses showed no change in the period 6, 12, 24 months. After 36 months, chips that did not violate the function of the prosthesis were revealed in 5.5 % of cases, visible signs of a cleft in the category of “marginal adaptation” in 1.8 % of cases, edge discoloration of the surface in 3.7 % of cases. Radiographically, 1 patient showed signs of incipient proximal caries and periapical changes, respectively. During the study period of 6-24 months. survival rate was 1.0. The survival of the restoration over a 3-year period was 88.9 %. Conclusion. The frequency of cleavage was 5.5 %, which is comparable to the usual performance of ceramic-metal restorations. The visible signs of a cleft in the regional adaptation was 1.8 %, and the regional color mismatch was 3.7 %. 1.8 % of restoration was detected. Signs of incipient proximal caries were 1.8 %, periapical changes — 1.8 %. Survival was 88.9 %.

fixed dentures, cobalt-chromium, direct laser sintering of metals, G. Ryge criteria, modified criteria, survival

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