Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Subject. In the practice of a dentist there are patients with complications after dental interventions in the form of post-filling pains and overestimation of fillings, accompanied by intense and constant pain, discomfort and violation of occlusion. Patients turn to the dentist again with complaints of pain in a recently filled tooth, patients note a violation of mastication, loose closing of the jaws, pain in the temporomandibular joint. The subject of this article was the research of the influence of the most common iatrogenic complications in the treatment of caries on the quality of life of patients. Goal — improving the effectiveness of therapeutic treatment of tooth decay, taking into account the dynamics of indicators of quality of life for patients. Methodology. A survey was conducted of 25 patients aged 20 to 40 years who came to the dental clinic complaining of post-filling pains, pain in the temporomandibular joint and incomplete closure of the jaw using the SF-36 questionnaire and the Russian-adapted OHRQoL questionnaire. Clinical examination methods included questioning, examination, palpation and percussion of teeth. Results. After analyzing the results of the adapted OHRQoL questionnaire, it was found that the state of oral health “greatly affects” the quality of life of patients. The average results in a survey of 25 patients amounted to 11.12 points; according to the results of this questionnaire, oral health did not play an insignificant role for any patient. According to the results of the SF-36 questionnaire, quality of life declined on most scales. The largest negative dynamics was noted on a scale of role functioning (RP) of 46 ± 0.03 points out of 100 and vital activity indicators (VT) - 27 ± 0.06 points out of 50. A decrease in the quality of life is caused by a feeling of constant discomfort and pain in the jaw facial area, anxious state of the patient and psychological maladaptation. Findings. Dental health plays a significant role in maintaining the high quality of life of any person. Dentists need to timely diagnose pathologists, choose the right treatment tactics, avoiding mistakes, and prevent complications.
quality of life, dental treatment, dental fillings, errors, complications, post-filling pain, violation of occlusion, pain in the maxillofacial region, oral health
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