Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Subject. The problem of complex treatment of candida-associated periodontitis is considered. The authors propose a two-component probiotic, which, due to antagonistic activity regarding periodontal pathogenic infection and fungi of the genus Candida, leads to the relief of the inflammatory process, positive dynamics and stabilization of immunological parameters. The aim ― to evaluate the dynamics of clinical and immunological parameters in the complex treatment of candida-associated periodontitis with an average degree of quantitative seeding of periodontal pockets using a two-component probiotic. Methodology. A clinical and laboratory examination of three groups (I, II, III) of patients with Candida-associated periodontitis with an average degree of quantitative contamination of periodontal pockets (> 3 <6 CFU / ml) was carried out. Patients I groups were prescribed the well-known complex treatment including an antimycotic drug, patients II groups included a two-component probiotic locally in the treatment complex, and patients III groups locally and per os. The state of the oral mucosa was assessed, PMA, PI, OHI - S were determined, and indicators of cellular and humoral immunity were examined. Results. The study made it possible to establish that the inclusion of a two-component probiotic in the complex of treatment of candida-associated periodontitis with an average degree of quantitative contamination of periodontal pockets with fungi of the genus Candida contributes to the relief of the inflammatory process, an increase in phagocytosis, the metabolic activity of neutrophils, the concentration of immunoglobulins A, lysozyme levels, and a decrease in the concentration of immunoglobulins. G, positive dynamics of other indicators of immunity and their stabilization. Conclusions. The inclusion of a two-component probiotic from two strains in the complex treatment of chronic hepatitis C associated with fungi of the genus Candida contributes to the rapid relief of the inflammatory process in periodontal tissues, positive dynamics and stabilization of cellular and humoral immunity parameters.
chronic generalized periodontitis, candida-associated periodontitis, degree of dissemination of periodontal pockets, two-component probiotic, serum immunoglobulins, oral liquid immunoglobulins, neutrophil phagocytic activity
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