Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
According to many researchers, the change in the course of chronic generalized periodontitis is associated with changes in the patient's immune status. As a result, colonization resistance decreases, the etiological role of opportunistic pathogens, fungal associations, which act synergistically with periodontal pathogenic bacteria and contribute to the development of candida-associated periodontitis, increases. Due to the fact that this disease has little specific symptoms, relapsing course and does not respond to standard therapy, characteristic disorders in the immune system can serve as a diagnostic criterion as well as a criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the treatment. However, to date, this issue has not been studied, taking into account the degree of quantitative contamination of periodontal pockets with fungi of the genus Candida, which was the subject of this study. The aim is to study the state of cellular and humoral immunity during the exacerbation of candida - associated periodontitis with an average and high degree of dissemination of periodontal pockets by Candida fungi. Methodology. A survey of cellular and humoral immunity units of 25 people with intact periodontal disease and 60 patients with exacerbation of candida-associated periodontitis, taking into account the degree of dissemination of periodontal pockets by Candida fungi. Modern and informative immunological methods of research have been used, such as T and B lymphocytes and their subpopulations, phagocytic unit, humoral factors of systemic and local immunity. Results. An immunological study revealed that the exacerbation of candida-associated periodontitis is accompanied by changes in cellular and humoral immunity. The severity and nature of the changes depend on the degree of dissemination of periodontal pockets by Candida fungi. Conclusions. The obtained data on changes in the indices of cellular and humoral immunity can serve as a diagnostic criterion and a criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the treatment being carried out.
cellular and humoral immunity, oral fluid, gingival fluid, serum immunoglobulins, cytokines, lysozyme, phagocytic activity of neutrophils
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