Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Relevance of the topic. There are a number of European indicators to monitor the dental healthcare system including C.3 (Satisfaction with service quality) and C.4 (Satisfaction with pay). High job satisfaction among the personnel leads to an increase in effective functioning of the whole organization. However, there are few data on such indicators for clinicians/dentists in Russia. Aim ― to study the level of job satisfaction of pediatric dentists, especially the satisfaction with service quality and pay. Methods and materials. The satisfaction of pediatric dentists was measured according to two European indicators (C.3 and C.4) of dental healthcare monitoring. 232 dentists (aged 22―65 years old) working for clinics of different type of ownership in Moscow and Moscow regions were interviewed. Such factors as the dentist’s age, the level of satisfaction with dental materials, instruments and equipment, the type of ownership were under study. Results. The study showed dependence of C.3 and C.4 on the factors mentioned above. 81,2 % of the dentists of private clinics were satisfied with the treatment and 72,9 % ― with the preventive dental care provided for their patients. In public clinics this proportion was 77,3 and 58,4 %. Meanwhile, the older the dentist was the less satisfaction with the dental service he had: 77,9 % of the dentists of 22―39 years old and only 50 % of those of 60 years old. The satisfaction with preventive dental care was getting lower too: from 65 to 39,6 %. 91,6 % of dentists working for the private sector were satisfied with pay compared with only 41,5 % in public clinics. This figure tended to go down with a rise of the dentist’s age. Conclusion: the dentists of 22―30 years old working for the private sector showed the highest level of job satisfaction

european indicators of dental health, job satisfaction, pediatric dentists, medical organization

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