Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. On the basis of a comprehensive dental examination, the clinical condition of the oral mucosa was assessed. With the use of laboratory research methods, the parameters of the microta state from the surface of erosion, the state of local immunity of the oral fluid, as well as anamnesis data with the assessment of somatic status, clinical blood analysis, ultrasound examination of the state of internal organs, the tactics of the complex of phased local and General therapy were studied. In clinical conditions, the analysis of minimizing pain, the nature of the epithelialization of erosive elements and regeneration of the oral mucosa. Using the analysis of laboratory methods, the pronounced antibacterial effect, increase of local immunity factors of the oral cavity, a qualitative decrease in chronic inflammation in the oral mucosa and in the body as a whole, as well as a decrease in the depressive state of the patient were evaluated. Proven and proved the efficiency of application of this complex treatment in the early and late periods. The purpose ― is to draw the attention of practicing dentists and related specialists to the need for an effective phased scheme of diagnostic and therapeutic and preventive measures in patients with lichen planus. Material and methods. The article is based on the description of clinical observation of a patient with erosive-ulcerative form of lichen planus. Results. The use of the proposed complex of step-by-step local injection methods on the oral mucosa and General measures by dermatologists, therapists, gastroenterologists in the erosive and ulcerative form of lichen planus contributes to a better acceleration of the epithelialization process, regeneration, reducing the signs of chronic inflammation, qualitative improvement of the somatic status and quality of life of patients. Summary. The inclusion in the scheme of the complex of local and General therapeutic and preventive measures of erosive-ulcerative form of lichen planus by injection of autologous plasma (AP) and human placenta hydrolysate (HRH) is a more effective method of therapy in these patients.

chronic inflammation, oral mucosa, lichen planus, autologous plasma, human placenta hydrolysate (HRH), injection methods, quality of life

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