Tyumen, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Tyumen', Tyumen, Russian Federation
Tyumen', Tyumen, Russian Federation
Background. The high prevalence of inflammatory periodontal diseases in young people determines the relevance of the study of the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies. Chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity is a General medical and socio-economic problem. Mobility and loss of teeth, the presence of a focus of chronic infection in periodontal pockets, gum recession and bad breath lead to psychological discomfort associated with difficulty in communicating, eating, daily life. Thus, the quality of life of patients due to dental health is an important indicator of the subjective evaluation of the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. Objectives ― study of the dynamics of quality of life in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis on the background of traditional therapy Methods. In the course of the study, the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity was carried out using the traditional treatment regimen, and the long-term indicators of the quality of life due to dental health were studied on the basis of the OHIP-14-RU questionnaire. Results. As a result of our study revealed a significant improvement in the quality of life due to dental health in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity in the long term. At the same time, after 12 months, some patients in the questionnaires recorded problems in communication, after 6 and 12 months – problems in everyday life. Conclusions. Our study demonstrates an improvement in the quality of life due to dental health in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity against the background of traditional treatment. However, the emergence of problems in communication in the long term after therapy suggests the need to optimize treatment aimed at their elimination.
Inflammatory periodontal disease, chronic generalized, quality of life, OHIP-14-RU, dental health, treatment periodontitis, index assessment of periodontal condition, subjective evaluation of periodontal treatment
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