from 01.01.2016 until now
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2014 until now
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
from 01.01.1981 until now
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
GRNTI 76.29 Клиническая медицина
Thing. Examination of the oral cavity of children with autism living in the region with ecotoxicants enrolled in a special correctional general education boarding school for children with disabilities. Purpose ― the study of the dental status of children with autism living in a region with ecotoxicants. Methodology. The study included 31 children from 6 to 18 years old, enrolled in a special correctional general education boarding school for children with disabilities. A dental examination of children was carried out using standard dental instruments, dental indices KPU, PHP, USP. For children and their parents, a special survey was conducted “Analysis of the level of oral hygiene” and “Analysis of anamnestic information” obtained as a result of a survey of children, parents and medical workers of the orphanage. Results. The survey revealed: insufficient awareness of children and parents about oral health, impaired oral hygiene and high intensity of the carious process in the examined children, as well as bad habits and impaired basic functions of the dental system, mouth swallowing, chewing, and speech, contributing to the development of dentofacial anomalies. Findings. Thus, children suffering from autism have a high intensity and prevalence of caries, an unsatisfactory level of hygiene, and an insufficient level of dental care. The impairment of dental health in autistic children depends on their somatic status; therefore, there is a need for the active participation of dentists to develop children's skills in caring for their oral cavity and its quality recovery.
children, autism, somatic status, ecotoxicants, caries of teeth, dental status, dental health, dysfunction of the dental system, dental-maxillary anomalies, oral hygiene
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