Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Introduction. Galvanosis of the oral cavity is an important problem in modern dentistry. A small amount of textbooks has been written on this topic. Purpose ― to summarize all knowledge about this pathology: etiology, pathogenesis, feature, differential diagnosis, modern treatment methods, prevention - based on the search and study of original modern monographs, scientific articles. Results. The review describes the etiopathogenesis of the oral galvanosis, which is based on the corrosion of metal structures. Many factors have influence on speed and intensity of the corrosion process in the oral cavity. First, in case when the technology of manufacturing metal structures was broken, the release of metallic inclusions into the oral fluid increases, that provokes the occurrence of corrosion. Secondly, saliva is an electrolyte, and the its composition and pH have a great influence on the electrochemical processes in the oral cavity. Thirdly, it is known that some general somatic diseases, periodontal pathologies and oral mucosa cause changes in the composition of the oral fluid and, as a result, electrochemical processes. The clinical picture of galvanosis is described in scientific articles - patients complain of a burning sensation of the mucous membrane of the tongue, a violation of taste sensitivity (metallic or sour taste in the mouth). During examination the oral cavity, it is possible not to reveal pathological changes, just the presence of structures which made of dissimilar metals makes us wonder about the presence of galvanosis. The main diagnostic criterion for oral galvanosis is the measurement of the magnitude of the potential difference between metal structures. Galvanosis treatment is to replace metal structures in the oral cavity with metal-free ones, i.e. eliminating the cause of the disease. There are several ways to prevent galvanoses - firstly, using electroplating in the manufacture of metal structures, and, secondly, conducting a diagnostic test using a plastic crown with inserts of metal alloys, from which the future prosthesis will be made. A review of the literature has shown that it is necessary to study this topic in depth.
galvanosis of the oral cavity, metal corrosion, galvanometry, potentiometry, stomalgia
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