Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):

With the aim of determining the leveland further improving the quality of dental care in the CHI system the defects of the work of dentists in urban and rural health centers and private clinics were analyzed on the basis of study of 5762 cases of patients by examining the medical records of dental patients. Defects were found in 17.4% of cases, 74.3% of them improper execution of documentation, 25.7% beingdefects inof medical care. The percentage of violations committed in urban public health centers amounts to 9%, in the dental branch of ces of the rural central district hospitals (CDH) it isas high as 18%,while in private clinicsit takes 21% of all cases of treatment of patients. Among the improper execution of documentation defects more common ones are those preventingcarrying out expert examination: 79.1% in government urban clinics, 74.6% in the Central District Hospitals, 49.2% in private clinics. The Signs of medical records falsi cationturned out to be more common in private clinics (31.7% of all improper execution of documentation defects). In 19.4% of the cases studied in all kinds of hospitals there was found a mismatchof the datain the register of invoices for payment, i. e. falsi cation of records Medical care defects in public clinics did not appear to affect the health of the patients. In private clinics 32.7% of defects were of a type leading to the ahealthdeterioration of,or creating the risk of a new disease or prolongingthe highly costly treatment.Nearly half (43%) of dentist work-related defects had to do with the desire to increase the pro t from of CHI fundsmedical services payment. 

compulsory health insurance, dental care, dentists work-related defects
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