Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. Mechanical properties of means and methods of individual (home) teeth cleaning, most often used by patients. Their role in increased tooth sensitivity, comparative characteristics. Objectives. Conducting a comparative analysis of the impact of the means and methods of individual teeth cleaning most frequently used by patients on tooth enamel (in vitro). Methodology. The study was conducted at the Department of Dentistry, at the Department of Morphology and Pathology (M&P) of the Medical University “Reaviz”. The survey of 50 patients aged 18 to 40 years was conducted on the use of various means and methods of individual (home) teeth cleaning. The results of the impact of individual (home) cleaning methods and means, named by patients, on tooth enamel (in vitro) were analyzed: a manual toothbrush of medium hardness with Colgate paste, an electric toothbrush from Oral-B with Colgate paste, and the natural material Sivak (Miswak). For the study, we selected 30 extracted teeth and divided them into three groups of 10 pieces each. Results. The survey showed that out of 50 people, 60%, 30 people, use a manual toothbrush, 30%, 15 people, choose an electric toothbrush and only 10%, 5 people, chose another answer, Siwak (Miswak), the root of Salvadora persica, as a natural remedy for cleaning teeth. Effect of means and methods of individual (home) teeth cleaning: a manual toothbrush leaves minor micro-scratches on the enamel during sweeping movements, which do not cause increased tooth sensitivity. An electric toothbrush leaves micro-scratches during circular movements, they are minor, do not cause increased tooth sensitivity. Sivak (Miswak) provokes the formation of cracks and micro-scratches, which negatively affect the tooth enamel, causing tooth sensitivity. Conclusions. Among the studied means and methods of individual (home) teeth cleaning, it is more effective to use a manual or electric toothbrush than the natural remedy Sivak (Miswak), which causes increased tooth sensitivity.

Tooth enamel, enamel microcracks, Sivak, Miswak, natural remedy, teeth cleaning

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