Smolensk, Smolensk, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 616.31 Стоматология. Заболевания ротовой полости и зубов
Modern digital dental forensics has revolutionized traditional forensic investigations in the collection, analysis and presentation of forensic evidence, and today its use is becoming routine in the investigation of the consequences of mass disasters, earthquakes and terrorist acts. Improvement of software and emergence of digital computer technologies, computer-aided design and manufacturing systems, digital records and robotics, techniques of non-contact autopsy and virtual autopsy (virtopsy) have led to acceleration and optimization of the personal identification process by extracting a large amount of data and reducing possible errors. Analysis of available domestic and foreign literary sources indicates the need for a comprehensive identification study with the use of diverse digital methods and traditional means of evaluating the available biomaterials. The aim of the study is to analyze the current scientific literature related to the application of artificial intelligence technologies in the general medical and dental personal identification practice. Methodology. This literature review was based on 25 sources from the following databases: PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, Elibrary, ResearchGate, Google Scholar. Results. The article presents a review of actual methods of digital forensic identification of a person using artificial intelligence technologies. The article covers modern aspects of diagnostics and complex planning of identification study in order to effectively resolve medico-legal and dental issues. Conclusions. Based on the performed literature analysis a conclusion can be drawn up that depending on the complexity and specificity of the tasks set in the process of personal identification, the optimal ways of their operational solution are to be determined, and modern digital methods of research with the use of artificial intelligence technology are increasingly being prioritized. In summary, the innovative nature of the technologies used, as well as the inevitability of introduction of specialized digital software by the world scientific community into the professional practice of personal identification shall be noted.
artificial intelligence, personal identification, digital dentistry, forensic science, thanatology, computer technology
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