Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Dentistry is one of the areas of medicine, which, like all others, has its own importance. In Russia, dental care for citizens is only partially funded by the state, mainly it is provided at the expense of personal funds. In this work, we sought to clarify the problems associated with the availability of dental services, ways to solve them and the attitude of patients towards them, which in turn allows us to formulate measures to expand the possibility of receiving dental care to the population. The purpose of the study. To study the opinion of the population regarding the economic accessibility of dental care in the Russian Federation, as well as their identification of ways of willingness to pay for dental services outside the framework of the compulsory insurance program together with the state. Materials and methods. To analyze the opinion of the population, a survey was conducted by means of a questionnaire of 332 people living in various regions of our country. Results. This study confirms the importance of socio-economic status as a central element of the economic accessibility of dental services. We received 180 positive ratings from 332 survey participants (>50%) regarding the types of dental services received outside the framework of the state program provided to them over the past two years. 73% of the survey participants are ready to consider the option of distributing the costs of dental services in the form of co-payments together with the state in order to improve their quality and increase accessibility. Conclusions. It is necessary to take into account the need of the population for dental prosthetics services when planning the list of the program of state guarantees of dental care. It is necessary to study in more detail the problem of inequality in the availability of dental treatment for citizens, in particular dental prosthetics services. The results obtained may be useful in developing public policy measures in the field of dental care that will better match the preferences of patients.

dental services, accessibility of dental care, dental insurance, quality of dental care, public dental care

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