Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject of study. One of the causes of dental hyperesthesia is uncontrolled use of whitening toothpastes. The issues of diagnostics (especially in terms of interpretation of the obtained results) and treatment of hypersensitivity of hard tissues of teeth, for which various methods and preparations based on remineralization and sealing are used, do not lose their relevance. Objectives. The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of the whitening toothpastes usage on the occurrence and nature of the course of hyperesthesia of hard tissues of teeth, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of its treatment. Materials and methods. A questionnaire survey of 162 respondents aged from 19 to 29 years was conducted, as well as further clinical examination and treatment of 72 patients suffering from hyperesthesia of hard tissues of teeth, which occurred against the background of using whitening toothpastes. To assess the intensity of hyperesthesia we used: the index of dental hyperesthesia intensity (IHI) and the NRS scale. These patients were divided into 2 clinical groups depending on the method of hyperesthesia treatment (group 1 – Gluftored; group 2 – Admira Protect). The results of the performed hyperesthesia treatment were evaluated on the 3rd, 10th days, as well as 3 months after its implementation. Results. By the 3rd day of hyperesthesia treatment, Admira Protect demonstrated greater efficacy compared to Gluftorod according to the dynamics of IHI and NRS (p < 0.05). By the end of the following week, stabilization of the above-mentioned indices and their comparable values in the groups were observed (p > 0.05). However, by the 3rd month of observation in the 1st group there was a statistically significant increase in IHI and NRS (p < 0.05). Conclusions. The use of whitening toothpastes without a dentist's prescription has a high prevalence among young adults (77.7%), which may lead to hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues. Most of the examined individuals using abrasive toothpastes had symptoms of hyperesthesia (57.1%). The study revealed high efficacy of Gluftored and Admira Protect, however, the time of desensitizing effect and stability of clinical result in the 2nd group was higher than in the 1st group (p < 0.05).

dental hyperesthesia, the index of dental hyperesthesia intensity (IHI), NRS, whitening toothpastes, Gluftored, Admira Protect

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